Pray for what´s happening in the Community of Madrid
Father we want to pray for what you are doing in this region:
There have been many trainings done this past season, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd touches at various places that we pray will be fruitful and bring unity to the vision of Kingdom movement.
The groups that Amistad has planted would find many people of peace in the various neighborhoods, and how to find unity within their regional body (example: using the larger church’s giftings to equip one another–apostolic band equipping group leaders to find entries and evangelize, etc.)
An adolescent movement- Amistad’s adolescent camp this summer will have 50 students from various churches learning their identity in scripture and how they could start healthy Bible communities amongst their peers. Pray for revival and movement!
The Holly Spirit would lift the darkness here, remove the barriers of work-based faith, religious baggage, and generational distrust in the Bible.
New streams started in untouched people groups.
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